Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas Wrapping

These wraps were a big hit! This is one of the rare few ideas I've gotten from Pinterest that actually worked out.

I started with brown paper rescued from packages received over the year. (I got it as shipping material, so it had to be pressed with a medium-hot iron to straighten it out enough to use.)

The circles are cut from a page of striped cardstock (from the craft store, in the same section with scrapbooking supplies), using a 1" hole punch (also from the scrapbooking section).

I wrapped each package in brown paper, then rolled red and white baking twine around it a few times, then attached the cardstock circles in a random pattern with glue dots.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween Mummy Lamps

I wish I had a better picture of these guys sitting in my office window, but I think I took this one with my iPhone camera instead of bringing my proper SLR out.

These are just recycled jars of various sizes, wrapped in gauze bandages, with giant googly eyes attached and flickering battery-operated candles inside. I do wish I'd gotten some kind of LED candle instead - if I make these next year, I want them a little brighter.